May 10, 2017

Japan Airlines Inflight Magazine – Skyward

In English, International “Land of Leve-leve” ‘São Tomé is a tiny place, but it has extraordinary history… and there is a peacefulness here you won’t find anywhere else in Africa..’ Read article
June 30, 2011

Columbus magazine on São Tomé and Príncipe

In Dutch, Published in The Netherlands “De vergane glorie van São Tomé & Príncipe” ‘Ver van het vasteland ligt het op een na kleinste land van Afrika: São Tomé & Príncipe. Twee slaperige groene juwelen die wachten op nieuwe ontdekkers…’ Read article part 1 Read article part 2 Read article part 3
June 29, 2011

Fora de Série magazine on São Tomé and Príncipe

In Portugese, Published in Portugal “O Paraíso Esquecido de Africa” ‘Imagine um país verde, com várias tonalidades de verde, praias desertas, de fina areia branca, onde o mar é quente e é Verão o ano inteiro….’ Read article
June 20, 2011

Japan Airlines Inflight Magazine – Skyward

In English, International “Land of Leve-leve” ‘São Tomé is a tiny place, but it has extraordinary history… and there is a peacefulness here you won’t find anywhere else in Africa..’ Read article