July 26, 2010
small forest buffalo

Loango, le parc national phare du Gabon devient inaccessible

Africa’s Eden SA, le principal opérateur touristique au Parc National de Loango, un parc décrit comme « le joyau de la couronne » du Gabon, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’il se verra forcé d’abandonner ses activités d’écotourisme dans le parc à partir du 1er septembre 2010.
July 23, 2010
Habitat types in Loango

Gabon’s flagship Loango National Park inaccessible

Africa’s Eden SA, the main tourism operator at Loango National Park – the park described as Gabon’s “jewel in the crown” – has announced today that it has been forced to abandon its ecotourism operations at the park as of September 1st 2010.
February 5, 2010
São Tomé cacao plant

BBC World Service reports on…

The re-awakening of the chocolate isles Sao Tome & Principe. The Portuguese colonists used to call them the chocolate isles. And after the Portuguese left in 1975, life on the two African islands slowed as they sank deeper and deeper into poverty. But now there are signs that the archipeligo of Sao Tome & Principe is awakening from its long slumber.
January 4, 2010

The Secret Language of Elephants – on CBS 60 Minutes

For two decades, a group of wild African elephants has been watched over, studied and protected by their own guardian angel: an extraordinary American scientist named Andrea Turkalo. Turkalo’s own story is pretty amazing, but not nearly as compelling as the insights into elephant behavior her research has revealed, especially when it comes to “the secret language of elephants.” 60 Minutes’ Bob Simon Reports On Research To Create An Elephant “Dictionary” The Sangha River flows through the Congo Basin along […]