June 19, 2017
Communiqués, annonces, téléchargez: Communiqué de presse internationale pour diffusion immédiate, francais Image 1, for use together with press release (copyright Africa’s Eden ) Image 2, for use together with press release (copyright Christophe Le Petit) Image 3, for use together with press release (copyright Africa’s Eden) Image 4, for use together with press release (copyright Michael Viljoen) Libreville, 21 septembre 2011 – Africa’s Eden vient d’annoncer aujourd’hui qu’elle rouvrira le Loango Lodge au Gabon à la clientèle internationale le 15 […]
May 10, 2017
In English, International “Land of Leve-leve” ‘São Tomé is a tiny place, but it has extraordinary history… and there is a peacefulness here you won’t find anywhere else in Africa..’ Read article
September 21, 2011
Communiqués, annonces, téléchargez: Communiqué de presse internationale pour diffusion immédiate, francais Image 1, for use together with press release (copyright Africa’s Eden ) Image 2, for use together with press release (copyright Christophe Le Petit) Image 3, for use together with press release (copyright Africa’s Eden) Image 4, for use together with press release (copyright Michael Viljoen) Libreville, 21 septembre 2011 – Africa’s Eden vient d’annoncer aujourd’hui qu’elle rouvrira le Loango Lodge au Gabon à la clientèle internationale le 15 […]
September 21, 2011
For Press, download: International Press release document, English version Image 1, for use together with press release (copyright Africa’s Eden ) Image 2, for use together with press release (copyright Christophe Le Petit) Image 3, for use together with press release (copyright Africa’s Eden) Image 4, for use together with press release (copyright Michael Viljoen) Libreville, September 21st, 2011 – Africa’s Eden announced today that it will re-open its Loango Lodge in Gabon for international guests on 15 December 2011. […]
June 30, 2011
In Dutch, Published in The Netherlands “De vergane glorie van São Tomé & Príncipe” ‘Ver van het vasteland ligt het op een na kleinste land van Afrika: São Tomé & Príncipe. Twee slaperige groene juwelen die wachten op nieuwe ontdekkers…’ Read article part 1 Read article part 2 Read article part 3
June 29, 2011
In Portugese, Published in Portugal “O Paraíso Esquecido de Africa” ‘Imagine um país verde, com várias tonalidades de verde, praias desertas, de fina areia branca, onde o mar é quente e é Verão o ano inteiro….’ Read article
June 20, 2011
In English, International “Land of Leve-leve” ‘São Tomé is a tiny place, but it has extraordinary history… and there is a peacefulness here you won’t find anywhere else in Africa..’ Read article
May 20, 2011
In English, Published in UK “Just São stories: a honeymoon in São Tomé and Príncipe” ‘The Seychelles aren’t the only idyllic African island. São Tomé and Príncipe makes a more adventurous honeymoon destination…’ Read more
April 30, 2011
In Dutch, Published in Belgium “In bad met bosolifanten” ‘Laaglandgorilla’s, bosolifanten en pygmeeën zijn de unieke troeven van Dzanga-Sangha, een ongepolijste parel verborgen in het immense congobekken, het op één na grootste regenwoud terwereld.’ Read article
February 24, 2011
In mid July 2010, Africa’s Eden and its sister company SCD Aviation announced the closing of Loango Lodge in Gabon as per September 1, 2010. This decision was made as a result of an ongoing dispute with the Gabonese Aviation Authorities. It seems that this complex problem will come to an end. SCD Aviation has held intensive discussions with the Gabonese government to find final solutions. It is hoped that Loango Lodge can be re-opened in relatively short time. Keep updated about this information by […]
February 2, 2011
In Portuguese, Published in Sao Tome & Principe “Empresas holandesa e sul-africana cooperam na execução do maior investimento privado da história da ilha do Príncipe e do país” ‘O grupo holandês IHDC de Rombougt Swanborn, que há vários anos explora o Resort Bombom não vai abandonar a ilha do Príncipe após a conclusão esta semana do negócio de venda do resort para o milionário sul-africano Mark Shuttleworth, proprietário do grupo empresarial HBD…’ Read article
October 1, 2010
In English, Published in UK “Africa’s offshore assets” ‘Nestled just above the equator in the Gulf of Guinea, the tiny island nation of Sao Tome & Principe has striven to forge a new identity…’ read more
August 1, 2010
There are few places left in the world untouched by tourism – but the tropical islands of Sao Tome and Principe off the west coast of Africa, remain relatively unknown. They have a strong colonial history – but it’s the beautiful beaches, tropical rainforests and the islands’ relaxed nature which are starting to attract attention. Gwenan Edwards went to find out more. watch the video online here
July 26, 2010
Africa’s Eden SA, le principal opérateur touristique au Parc National de Loango, un parc décrit comme « le joyau de la couronne » du Gabon, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’il se verra forcé d’abandonner ses activités d’écotourisme dans le parc à partir du 1er septembre 2010.
July 23, 2010
Africa’s Eden SA, the main tourism operator at Loango National Park – the park described as Gabon’s “jewel in the crown” – has announced today that it has been forced to abandon its ecotourism operations at the park as of September 1st 2010.
May 1, 2010
In English, Published in US “Visiting Africa’s Eden” ‘The moment I fell in love with Gabon was when my companions and I walked along the beach at sunset…’ Read article
April 1, 2010
Andrea Turkalo has been studying the enigmatic giants of forest elephants, getting to know over 4,000 intimately, in the rainforest of Central Africa. She has begun to unravel the secrets of their complex social lives and the meanings of their unique vocalisations.
March 30, 2010
In English, International “In Splendid Isolation” ‘Angola´s closest cultural ties are with the tiny archipelago of Sao Tome and Principe, which is now becoming a paradise for tourists…’ Read article
March 29, 2010
In English, Published in UK “Gorilla Welfare” ‘Sarah Monaghan explains on how an educational programme is helping to change cultural attitudes to great apes and aid conservation…’ Read article
March 28, 2010
In English, International “Where the wild things are” ‘Imagine a place so untouched that the primates a gaze at you without fear and old elephants roam…’ Read article
March 27, 2010
In Dutch, Published in The Netherlands “São Tomé and Príncipe Afrikaanse Parels” ‘Romantische rust and helse hectiek. Glorieuze glimlach en een bevroren frons…’ Read Article
February 5, 2010
The re-awakening of the chocolate isles Sao Tome & Principe. The Portuguese colonists used to call them the chocolate isles. And after the Portuguese left in 1975, life on the two African islands slowed as they sank deeper and deeper into poverty. But now there are signs that the archipeligo of Sao Tome & Principe is awakening from its long slumber.
February 1, 2010
In Dutch, Published in Holland “São Tomé” ‘De ontdekking van een nieuwe keuken, je zou het kunnen vergelijken met een prille vriendschap..’ Read Article
January 30, 2010
In English, Published in US “Robert Drewes, a lifetime of scaled adventures” In Sâo Tomé and Principe, Drewes has led four multi-disciplinary expeditions of scientists to study the islands…’ Read article
January 29, 2010
In English, Published in Portugal & International “Bom Bom Island Resort & Omali Lodge” Read article
January 4, 2010
For two decades, a group of wild African elephants has been watched over, studied and protected by their own guardian angel: an extraordinary American scientist named Andrea Turkalo. Turkalo’s own story is pretty amazing, but not nearly as compelling as the insights into elephant behavior her research has revealed, especially when it comes to “the secret language of elephants.” 60 Minutes’ Bob Simon Reports On Research To Create An Elephant “Dictionary” The Sangha River flows through the Congo Basin along […]
January 1, 2010
Researchers in Dzanga-Sangha Reserve in the Central African Republic listening to elephant sounds and observing their behavior are compiling an elephant dictionary. Bob Simon goes to Central Africa to listen to the forest elephants first hand.
December 30, 2009
In German, Published in Germany “Zeit Zum träumen” ‘…Oder doch lieber ein Platz, wo die Celebritys ihr Bad in der Sonne nehmen? Finden Sie Ihr persönliches Paradies!’ read article
December 29, 2009
In English, International “Year of the Gorilla” ‘…All four subspecies are under threat but several pioneering projects in Gabon are helping to save some of our closest cousins from extinction…’ read article
December 28, 2009
In English, UK “Totaly Wired” ‘The lives of the people in a village in the West African country of have been transformed by an immense recycling project….’ read article
December 7, 2009
Seven poor African children fly to Paris on dream-of-a-lifetime trip to be crowned Young Ambassadors of the Great Apes For press, download: Word document, English version Word document, French version Image 1, for use together with press release (copyright Sarah Monaghan) Image 2, for use together with press release (copyright Sarah Monaghan) Image 3, for use together with press release (copyright Sarah Monaghan) Image 4, for use together with press release (copyright Sarah Monaghan) Image 5, for use together with […]
November 30, 2009
In English, Published in UK “Sweet Island Escape” ‘Sarah Monaghan discovers the remote islands of Sao Tome and Principe, positioned off the west coast of Africa…’
November 29, 2009
In English, Published in South Africa “Sleepy islands in the sun” ‘In the Gulf of Guinea are two tropical islands you’d miss if you blinked. Together, they’re one of Africa’s smallest countries…’ read article
November 19, 2009
Sao Tome & Principe, November 2009 – The government of Sao Tome & Principe and Societe de Conservation et Developpement (SCD) announced that they have entered a strategic partnership, aimed to develop the sustainable tourism potential of Africas second-smallest country. For Press, download: Word document, English version Word document, French version Word document, Portuguese version Image 1, for use together with press release (copyright Christophe Lepetit) Image 2, for use together with press release (copyright Michael Poliza) Image 3, for use […]
October 19, 2009
Gabon’s new president Ali Ben Bongo has named his first government. Mr. Bongo is promising change after more than 40 years under his father, Omar Bongo.
September 30, 2009
In English, International “A planner’s wishlist” ‘…Loango National Park played a starring role, I’ve been long cultivating a relationship with Africa’s Eden who are doing great work there…’
September 29, 2009
Clifford Chance LLP Amsterdam and Africa’s Eden are pleased to invite you for a meeting with São Tomé & Príncipe on 21 October 2009. Despite its small size and number of inhabitants, the islands of São Tomé and Principe were once one of the world leaders on the coffee and cacao market. Although not very well known, they are a great place to visit and offer interesting investment opportunities. Therefore we are eager and pleased to present them to you! […]
September 29, 2009
In Dutch, Published in Holland “Onontdekt Paradijs” ‘Het West-Afrikaanse eilandstaatje São Tomé e Príncipe ligt ver van de toeristische snelweg…’ read article
September 7, 2009
The operators of SCD Aviation SA, the tourism industry’s main private inter-parks airline, are looking toward the new Gabonese government in the hope of restarting negotiations to resolve the ongoing dispute. Press release in Word – English version Communiqué de press – version française The operators of SCD Aviation SA, the tourism industry’s main private inter-parks airline, are looking toward the new Gabonese government in the hope of restarting negotiations to resolve the ongoing dispute. Prior to the elections, all […]
September 4, 2009
DAKAR, Sept 3 (Reuters) – Ali Ben Bongo, son of Gabon’s long-time ruler Omar Bongo, won an election to succeed his late father with 41.73 percent of the vote, according to results announced by the interior minister on Thursday. The announcement came after days of mounting tension after Sunday’s election, with two other rival candidates also staking their claim to victory and accusing Ben Bongo of electoral fraud to ensure a dynastic succession from his father. Here are some possible […]
September 4, 2009
LIBREVILLE, Gabon The Bongo family extended its 41-year reign over this resource-rich country on Thursday as the son of Africas longest-serving ruler was declared the winner of a disputed presidential election. Scattered protests and violence broke out across this nation of about 1.3 million, an important oil exporter with close ties to France, its former colonial ruler. Backers of two losing candidates set fire to the French Consulate in Gabon’s second-largest city, Port-Gentil, put cars and tires to the torch […]
August 19, 2009
Africa’s Eden is forced to suspend its operations in Loango Lodge for international tourists until at least September 20th, 2009 following dispute between Gabonese government and regional aviation company SCD Aviation Word version press release – English Version Word communiqué de presse – Français Gabon, August 2009 – In 2002, late President Omar Bongo Ondimba put Gabon firmly on the map as an important future eco-tourism destination by nominating more than 11% of the nation’s territory as National Park to […]
August 13, 2009
Opposition candidates in Gabon’s presidential ballot have banded together to push for a postponement of the vote due to problems with electoral lists, officials said Wednesday. The Opposition Speaks out Jules Aristide Bourdes Ougouliguende and 10 other candidates plan to ask the Gabonese courts to postpone the vote, Bourdes’ comments followed a meeting between the candidates along with officials from the government and the presidency. These 11 candidates are considered the heavyweight opposition candidates in the election which follows the death […]
August 7, 2009
Six young gorillas, rescued from the illegal bush meat trade, have begun new independent lives on a lagoon island just outside Loango National Park in Gabon. First Ever footage First steps into the wild Staff at the Société de Conservation et Développement (SCD) are celebrating after announcing the successful transfer of the six juvenile western lowland gorillas (a species deemed critically endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List (IUCN)) onto the safe island in the […]
August 3, 2009
Five Gabonese opposition parties have nominated Pierre Mamboundou to run for president in this month’s elections to succeed the late Omar Bongo Ondimba. The opposition’s choice Mamboundou, leader of the Union of Gabonese People, came second to Bongo in elections in 2005. Bongo’s son, Defense Minister Ali Bongo Ondimba, is running as the candidate of the ruling Gabonese Democratic Party. “You have asked for a single candidate for the opposition…I offer you hope, I offer you a new way […]
August 1, 2009
Six young gorillas, rescued from the illegal bush meat trade, have begun new independent lives on a lagoon island just outside Loango National Park in Gabon.
July 30, 2009
In English, Published in UK “Atlantic aspirations” ‘São Tomé and Príncipe, which make up Africa’s second-smallest country, are just what tropical islands should be: lush, green havens of sun, sand and surf…’ read article
July 27, 2009
Join Jean Du plessis as he Journeys through Africa exploring conservation issues that are plaguing the continent today and the efforts of individuals, organisations and governments in tackling the conservation challenges of Africas Wildlife Ultimate Africa Ultimate Africa is a documentary series hosted by South African safari explorer, Jean du Plessis. The show, which consists of nine episodes, takes viewers on a journey through Africa, exploring how anti-poaching efforts, as a part of conservation strategies, are helping to preserve the […]
July 24, 2009
Gabon which is currently ruled by interim president Rose Francine Rongombe, will see at least 23 candidates run for its official presidential elections in August following the death of former president Omar Bongo Ondimba Candidates made public Included in the list of 23 candidates is the name of Ali Ben Bongo, son of the late president of Gabon. Ali was chosen to represent the nations leading party, the Gabonese Democratic Party, earlier this month. Mr Bongo, who will maintain […]
July 21, 2009
Both airline companies have agreed to launch joint-flights to the African continent in a bid to expand their flight network on the continent. New flight possibilities Brussels Airlines and Lufthansa will increasingly offer long-haul flights with Lufthansa passengers benefiting form a wider choice of destinations. The long-haul flights will include the Brussels airline route from Brussels to Entebbe, Uganda as well as the new Lufthansa connection from Frankfurt to Libreville, Gabon.
Lufthansa passengers will thus be allowed to fly to […]
July 20, 2009
The countrys National Autonomous Electoral Commission has come up with a timetable for elections which it proposed to the Government late last week. Election date set The election date has been scheduled for Sunday, August 30 2009. The date has been approved by the country’s Council of Ministers. Several political parties have already announced various candidates who will be representing them. The son of late president Omar Bongo Ondimba has been nominated to represent the Gabonese national party as […]
July 9, 2009
The elections to determine the Gabon’s next president must be held by 6 September at the latest, the West African nations constitutional court declared. Countdown to elections A poll originally due to be held within 45 days of the appointment of an interim president on 10 June, was turned down by all main political parties in the oil-exporting state who argued that organizing an election in such a small timeframe would have presented great difficulties in organizing ballots for […]
July 7, 2009
Gabon’s government has submitted plans for a timetable ahead of presidential elections to the political parties in the country, officials said Thursday. Delayed Elections Gabon’s Interior Ministry has drawn up a plan to revise the electoral rolls in the country between July 4 and July 14, with a further period for corrections to be made before the lists are put to the National Electoral Commission, on July 28. Interior Minister Jean-François Ndongou met politicians Wednesday to discuss this timetable with them. […]
June 30, 2009
In English, International “Farewell Mere Edith” ‘The grief of the gabonese nation was shared by world leaders on the news of the death of the first lady of Gabon.’ read article Gabon Magazine on cave explorations in Gabon “Tunnels into time” ‘An international team of scientists and explorers have explored some of the deepest caves in Gabon.’ read article
June 29, 2009
In English, International “Africa’s Green Heart” ‘Gabon is to Africa what the Amazon is to South America:if you haven’t seen it, you haven’t felt the vital throb of the continent.’ read article
June 25, 2009
The Gabonese Union for Democracy and Development party, has expressed doubts that the vote could be held on time. Possible Election Delay Zacharie Myboto, leader of the Union for Democracy and Development party believes that the elections could face a delay of as much as 6 months. According to the constitution, interim president Rose Rogombe, who took up office on June 10, has a maximum of 45 days after becoming acting head of state in which to organize elections. […]
June 24, 2009
Air Portugal announces that it has added nine new flight destinations to various African countries New routes The additional nine flights added by the Portuguese national carrier will target destinations of Luanda-Angola, Dakar-Senegal, Praia-Cape Verde and São Tomé over the summer. Three additional flights will be available per week to Luanda, Angola, in an effort to boost flight traffic between portugal and the African continent. Between Portugal’s capital Lisbon and Praia in Cape Verde, the airline will also be […]
June 22, 2009
The members of Gabon’s transition government have been appointed by interim president Rose Rogombe Gabon prepares for elections Gabon’s interim president, Mrs. Rose Francine Rogombé on Friday June 19, made public the names of the members of the transition government to lead Gabon until after the presidential election.According to the Gabonese constitution, presidential elections should be held within 45 days after the swearing-in of an interim president. Former prime minister Jean Eyeghe Ndong, who announced the resignation of the government […]
June 22, 2009
The airline company is expanding its network of services in west central Africa and is including a new route to the capital of Gabon, Libreville. New Routes Starting off from the 15th of July 2009, the airline will offer flights five times every week (excluding Fridays and Sundays) from Frankfurt, flying via Accra-Ghana to Libreville. This latest addition would mean that a total of 16 destinations across Africa are now offered to customers. “Our route network is growing steadily, particularly in […]
June 18, 2009
The late Gabonese president, who passed away on Tuesday June 8 in a private clinic in spain, is set to be interred in Franceville, Ogooue- his region of origin. Final resting place Tuesday, June 16, marked the state funeral that saw scores of foreign dignitaries and heads of states from other African nations paying their respects to the deceased President. Libreville was packed with well-wishers from all over the country expressing grief and sadness over the loss of the one […]
June 16, 2009
Nikolas Sarkozy along with foreign dignitaries will join the leaders of up to a dozen other African nations to mourn the passing of Gabon’s president, Omar Bongo Ondimba. The French president is slated to fly in to Libreville, Tuesday June 16 in time for the start of funeral proceedings that will lead up to the late president’s burial on Thursday June 18. Sarkozy’s presence at the funeral negates claims that the relationship between the two nations, France and Gabon, had […]
June 12, 2009
The remains of late president, Omar Bongo, were flown into the capital Libreville yesterday, June 11, 2009 Gabon grieves Present on the arrival of the Spanish air force flight bearing the late president’s body, were thousands of people who had gathered to pay their respects. Among these were the military and administrative branches of the government as well as family members. The late president’s burial is scheduled for Tuesday, June 16 and will be characterized by the presence of dignitaries […]
June 11, 2009
As decreed by the country’s constitution, Gabon’s first ever female president, senate speaker Rose Rogombe, has been sworn in as interim president Gabon looks to the future Following the death of Gabon’s president, the constitution stipulates the appointment of the senate speaker to the role of president within a timeframe of 45 days within which the deceased president is mourned and elections to determine the next president are organised. This latest development has eliminated fears of a power vacuum […]
June 10, 2009
Gabon re-opens its borders and airports as situation remains calm in the capital, Libreville Latest developments Following the death of Gabon’s head of state Omar Bongo, Senate Speaker Rose Francine Rogombe has been scheduled to act as president of the country during the transition to power to be determined by upcoming elections. The elections should take place in the next 30 to 45 days as stipulated by the country’s constitution. The Country has also reopened its borders to international travel […]
June 9, 2009
Below is comment on the death of Gabon’s President Omar Bongo, Africa’s longest serving ruler, in a Spanish clinic on Monday. Hannah Koep, analyst, control risks group “Bongo’s unexpected departure from office leaves a potentially dangerous power vacuum. Given his highly personalized style of rule, the as-yet unresolved succession question could lead to elite infighting and a political crisis. Increased strategic maneuvering in the close circle around Bongo has been apparent for several months. The question is whether the players […]
May 30, 2009
In Afrikaans, Published in SA “Gaboen die bestemming vir ‘ n besonderse natuur-belewenis” ‘As ‘n mens lees wat Stef Delport alles oor Gaboen skryf, is dit genoeg om nou die tasse te pak en die eertse and beste vlug soontoe te haal.’ read article
May 29, 2009
In English, International “Path to prosperity” ‘Netherlands-based Africa’s Eden runs two lodges on São Tomé and Príncipe: Omali Lodge Luxury Hotel and Bom Bom Island Resort. They epitomise the kind of eco-tourism of which São Tomé and Príncipe’s government would like to see more.’ read article
May 29, 2009
In English, International “Surf Scene on Remote São Tomé” ‘…One of the smallest island nations on earth-is as extraordinary as its setting is exotic’- finds Michael Scott Moore….’ read article
May 27, 2009
In an upcoming BBC 1 TV broadcast, a primatologist, writer and camera man, team up and take to the heights of Gabon’s rainforest in a bid to study the little-known Mangabey monkeys. Living with Monkeys-Tales from the Treetops Primatologist Dr Julie Anderson, writer and adventurer Guy Grieve, and cameraman Gavin Thurston have been involved in a 5 week endeavour characterised by living in a tree house up in the thick rainforests of Gabon. In the trees and away from the […]
April 30, 2009
In English, Published in US “A walk in the park” ‘Gabon’s jungle parks are among Earth’s last Edens. But don’t expect to find paradise…’ read article page 1 read article page 2
April 29, 2009
In English, International “Enchanted forest of Gabon” ‘Gliding over the brown waters of the Ivindo, with the oil lamp illuminating the stern, it seemed as if I was travelling suspended in a dark green hyperspace, which encircled our dugout canoe made from okumè wood…’
April 28, 2009
In English, International ”In the thick of it” ‘Visiting the wilds of the Central African Republic isn’t something many of us have done or even dreamed of, yet, as Emma Gregg discovers, there are plenty of rewards if you take the plunge….’ read article
April 27, 2009
In English, International “An Artist of the Pristine world” ‘The African Sketchbook….’ read article “Crocodile Night Shift” ‘Slender-snouted, dwarf or Nile….’ read article
April 23, 2009
In his new book, “Gabon decrepitude, je reve pour notre Afrique”, Jimmy Mapango talks about the necessity for an African renaissance and how mismanagement and irresponsibility affects Gabon and Africa as a whole. Writer, poet and activist Thierry jimmy Mapango is a long time activist and member of the international coalition; publish what you pay for. He has been involved directly in a call for greater government transparency in the issuing of contracts to foreign companies who tend to exploit […]
April 15, 2009
Following her breathtaking paint project as artist-in-residence at the Loango National Park in Gabon, the UK- based portraitist and illustrator has been shortlisted among a group of finalists for the wildlife Artist of the year Award 2009. Artist of the Pristine world The Award, presented by the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF), rewards artists with the best representation of wildlife as seen in their natural environment. All profit from the subsequent sale of the artist’s work are reinvested to help […]
March 26, 2009
Africas Eden officially announces the introduction of an all new press room and new and interactive features on its website. The site africas-eden.com will retain its wealth of information and services on exclusive tours in the west central Africa region. New, interactive website Recently, Africa’s Eden launched its new website with an updated look and an expanded and more dynamic description of its tourism, research and conservation activities in west central Africa. “Your website looks REALLY good, perhaps the best […]
March 23, 2009
Gabon’s first lady Edith Lucie Bongo was buried Sunday 22nd of March in Edou, Congo Final Resting Place Gabon’s first lady Edith Lucie Bongo was interred Sunday 22nd of March, in her home country, the Republic of the Congo. Thousands of mourners attended her burial including her bereaved husband and Gabonese head of state, Omar Bongo as well as the heads of state of the Central African republic, Equatorial Guinea, Benin, democratic republic of Congo and Togo amongst others. The […]
March 19, 2009
The Voetspore team of 6 involved in last years Cape Town to Kilimanjaro-Kilimanjaro to Cairo expedition is at it again! This year the Team journeyed from Gansbaai-bay of geese; one of the southern tips of south Africa, through the Kalahari desert, the Namibian West, Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo up until Gabon. Armed with Nissan 4×4 vehicles*, the team wound its way through one of the continent’s most unforgiving terrains battling anything from Angola’s notorious Ninja gang, to driving […]
March 15, 2009
Africa’s Eden presents its sincere sympathies to the president of the Gabonese Republic, El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba , and to the Gabonese people, on the loss of the First Lady, Edith Lucie Bongo Ondimba. Candle in the wind Edith Lucie Bongo Ondimba, Gabon’s First lady, passed away last Saturday in Morocco after a protracted illness. The eldest daughter to President Denis Sassou Nguessou of the Republic of Congo and wife of Gabon’s president Omar Bongo, Edith Lucie Bongo died […]
January 30, 2009
In English, International ”The big picture” ‘Sao Tome silhouette….’ read article
January 1, 2009
The reality TV show Survivor Gabon took place in the country Gabon for its 2008 Season. Gabon a small west African country located on the Atlantic Coast in the central part of the African continent is known for its record number of natural reserves created to preserve the lush, unexplored forests and the wildlife that resides therein. Sole survivor Survivor Gabon – Earth’s last Eden, was the seventeenth season of the American reality TV show, Survivor. 18 contestants were selected […]
January 1, 2009
Ultimate Africa is a documentary series that goes on a wild and exhilarating journey done by Jean Du Plessis throughout Africa. In this episode, Jean ventures to Gabon West Africa where the country is looking to develope a tourism industry. There he explores wild beaches, and goes off in search of un-habituated gorillas. He also visits Kongou Falls, one of Africa’s most spectacular waterfalls, where he learns that Chinese plan to build a hydro electric dam that will completely destroy […]
January 1, 2009
Yann Arthus-Bertrand and his team travelled around the planet over 18 months to make this film. This movie shot from the air over fifty countries – including GABON – has a mission and carries a message for humanity : to become aware of the full extent of its spoliation of the Earth’s riches and change its patterns of consumption.
December 30, 2008
In English, International “Africa’s Last Eden” ‘…But believe it or not, travel can also be a force for good even in some of the world’s most remote beauty spots. Gabon in West Africa is setting an example in how to do it right with Africa’s Last Eden in Loango National Park….’ read article
December 29, 2008
In English, Published in the UK “lo and behold Loango” ‘With its growing eco-Eden reputation, started by its part in Michael Fay’s Megatransect expedition, Loango National Park had a lot to live up to in the eyes of Emma Gregg….’ read article
November 30, 2008
In Dutch, Published in Holland “Toerisme is hier sexy” ‘In Gabon ligt de natuur er nog ongerept bij. Rombout Swanborn ontwikkelt er – voorzichtig – duurzaam toerisme….’ read article page 1 read article page 2
November 29, 2008
In Dutch, Published in Holland Interviewer Peter van den Hout video
November 15, 2008
Africa’s Eden, operator of Loango National Park in Gabon, has been named the winner of the British Guild of Travel Writers Best New Overseas Project Award 2008. To achieve this international prize, it had to prove it was of social and economic benefit and had management policies which minimise adverse environmental impacts. Breaking new ground Tourism was almost unknown in Gabon when Loango National Park began as a pilot project by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Africa’s Eden. Its […]
November 1, 2008
Interview with founder and director of Société de Conservation et Développement, Rombout Swanborn.
September 30, 2008
In Dutch, Published in Holland ”Welcome to Paradise!” ‘Heeft u ooit olifanten, buffels en nijlpaarden over het strand zien wandelen? In Loango National Park in het West-Africaanse Gabon is het de gewoonste zaak van de wereld….’ read article
June 30, 2008
In English & French, Published in the UK “Viewing Pleasures” ‘With settings from Out of Africa to the heart of darkness, Loango National Park offers such a varied landscape that, as Sarah Monaghan discovers, each day’s safari is a new episode…’ read article “Le plaisir des yeux” ‘Avec ses paysages dignes d’Out of Africa ou d’Au coeur des ténèbres, le parc national de Loango offre une telle diversité que chaque journée est une nouvelle aventure. Sarah Monaghan nous emmène en […]
June 6, 2008
The Geotourism Challenge is one of the key programs of National Geographic’s Center for Sustainable Destinations (CSD). Making a difference The National Geographic Society and Ashoka’s changemakers were the brainchild behind last year’s Geotourism competition that saw the shortlisting of Gabon’s Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), in partnership with Africa’s Eden, on a list of 15 finalists.
The Geotourism challenge competition culminated in a victory for: a programme in the Ecuador Amazon region to provide the youth with an academic degree in nature […]
May 30, 2008
In French, Published in France ”Un safari différent” ‘Si observer la faune sauvage est une passion,et si l’on redoute de la partager avec des centaines de touristes, alors, hors des sentiers battus, le safari au Gabon est fait pour vous….’ read article
May 29, 2008
In Dutch, Published in Holland “Een stukje Hof van Eden” ‘Gabon in Centraal-Afrika heeft een schitterende natuur, waarin gorrilla’s en chimpansees gebroederlijk naast elkaar wonen. Sinds een paar jaar kun je er een voettocht maken door een van de minst ontdekte oerwouden ter wereld….’ read article page 1 read article page 2
April 30, 2008
In English, Published in the UK ”Into the wild” ‘Transporting your artistic skills to a West African rainforest takes a certain flexibility and dedication, as wildlife artisit Davina Bosanquet discovered. Words of Martha Alexander….’ read article page 1 read article page 2
April 1, 2008
Singer Annie Flore teaches the trio a little French through a Gabonese song at the reward
April 1, 2008
Winner Bob Crowley shares his experience on Evengué Island with sanctuary gorilla Mabeke
December 25, 2007
In English, Published in the UK “Gabon is Go…the new destination for 2007” “The travel industry loves labelling ‘new’ destinations and so Gabon became the ‘Costa Rica of Africa….” download full article
November 25, 2007
In English, Published in South Africa “Bom Bom Blues” ‘Revival of a world-class marlin fishery on SA’s doorsteps….’ download full article
October 25, 2007
In English, Published in
South Africa “Bom Bom Island Resort Principe” ‘I watch the moon rise over the Atlantic, and it slowly dawns on me that i am in paradise…’ download full article
August 12, 2007
In Afrikaans, Published in
South Africa download full article, 1 download full article, 2
June 12, 2007
In English, Published in the UK “The Great Gabon” ‘With 80% of its land area covered in gorilla and elepahnt filled-filled rainforest, Gabon is often described as Africa’s last great Eden. James Fair travelled to this little-knwon equatorial country to see whether it could truly be called a wildlife paradise….’ download full article 1 download full article 2
January 12, 2007
In English, Published in the UK “Gorilla activity in Gabon” ‘Gabon has oil, rainforest and generous inhabitants. Anna Shepard loved it….’ download full article
August 12, 2006
In French, International / France “Forets d’Eden/Behold! Nature’s Glory” ‘Dans les forets, les savanes et sur les cotes du Gabon vivent en toute liberté des dizaines de milliers d’elephants et de singes…..’ download full article
June 30, 2006
In Dutch, Published in Holland “Jungle Fever” ‘Het Centraal-Afrikaans land Gabon is voor driekwart bedekt met tropisch regenwoud. In deze welhaast ondoordringbare bossen en moerasen wonen chimpansees, gorilla’s en bosolifanten….’ download full article
June 25, 2006
In French, Published France “Loango Lodge, le Gabon autrement” ‘Le Land Rover qui nous transporte à travers la plaine fait fuir des troupeaux de buffles. Un troupeau d’éléphants sort de la forêt à une cinquantaine de mètres de nous, une grosse femelle se détache du groupe et se place au centre du disque orangé du soleil couchant…Nous sommes bien au Gabon!’
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June 5, 2006
In English, Published in the UK “Africa Untamed” ‘In Gabon’s Loango National Park, elephants stroll casually along the beach, the red river hogs and forest buffalo have wonderfully tufty ears and whiskers, and you find the most unexpected creatures in the trees. Watch out, this place could turn your world upside down, says Melanie McGrath….’
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February 28, 2006
In English, Published in the UK “Unspoilt Gabon” ‘Gabon is a lovely emerald-forested germ of a country..says Melanie McGrath in the Gaurdia’ download full article
February 25, 2006
In Italian, Published in Italy “Eden?No, Gabon” ‘Scivolando sull’acqua bruna dell’Ivindo con le lanterne ad olio accese a poppa e gli scarponi appogiati sullo specchio di prua, mi sembrava di viaggiare sospeso in iperspazio verde scuro checircondava la lancia scavata nel legno di okumé….’
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January 30, 2006
In English, Published in the USA “Buzzword of the year: Ecotourism” download full article
January 20, 2006
In English, Published in the UK “Gift of the Gabon” ‘Gabon has an astonishing variety of wildlife – the only place in the world you can see gorillas, hippos surfing the waves and whales in the same day….’ download full article
January 10, 2006
In English, Published in the USA “Where to go next GABON” download full article
November 12, 2005
In Dutch, Published in Holland “Ecotoerisme sterk in opkomst in Gabon” ‘Olifanten op het strand! in Gabon zijn ze er te vinden….’
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October 30, 2005
In French, Published in France “Gabon, la quete de l’or verte” download full article
October 20, 2005
In German, Published in Germany “Warum surft das flubpferd am strand?” ‘Das gibt er nur in Gabon, und dort uauch nicht oft: Zu fub und mit dem kadurch den Loango-Nationalpark….’
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October 15, 2005
In English, Published in the UK “Animal magic” ‘If you want to experience heaven on earth, visit the jewel in the crown of Gabon’s National Parks where the wildlife is breathtaking….’ download full article
September 12, 2005
In English, Published in the UK “Secret World” ‘Documenting the last place on earth’….. download full article
July 12, 2005
In English, Published in the USA “Wild Coastal Africa” ”Welcome to the most unexplored waters in the world – raw, violent, unspoiled wilderness where it’s eat or be eaten, and predator becomes prey at the flip of a fin”……
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June 30, 2005
In Norwegian, Published in Norway “God Tur til Gabon” ‘Tarpon pa over 100 kilo, meterlange snappere fanget pa tometers dypt vann, verdens storste barracudaer, milevis med urorte elver, laguner og strender og elefanter som rusler i vannkanten. Velkommen til Gabon’…. download full article
June 20, 2005
In English, Published in the UK “Surf, sand, sun and giant fish” ‘Henry Gilby visits Gabon, the heart of West Central Africa’s sports-fishing paradise, where Marine monsters line up to be caught in the fly’….
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June 12, 2005
In Dutch, Published in Holland “Afrika’s Goudkust” ‘Een Nederlandse ondernemer koppelt in Gabon toerisme aan natuurbescherming. Maar is ecotoerisme haalbaar in een land dat economisch zwaar leunt op houtkap?’….
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June 10, 2005
In English, Published in the USA “The heart of the wilderness” ‘In a single unprecendented act, Gabon’s president created 13 national parks. Jon Bowermaster explores the good news in Africa’…
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May 30, 2005
In English, Published in the USA “Five Places to See in Your Lifetime” ‘Where the wild things are in one visionary swoop, Gabon, the stable West African country often called Africa’s Eden….’
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May 20, 2005
In Spanish, Published in Spain “Gabón, spinning en el grado cero” download full article
April 12, 2005
In English, Published in South Africa “Africa Unspoilt” ‘In the heart of deep, dark, not-so-silent Africa is a tract of pristine wild land where animals play (loudly) and humans sweat it out’….
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March 30, 2005
In French, Published in France ‘Aujourd’hui voyages Gabon, grandeur nature” ‘Avec 85% de foret équatorial et treize parcs nationeaux, ce pays d’Afrique centrale s’ouvre a un tourisme écologique pour les amateurs d’etendues vierges et de faune sauvage préservée’….
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March 12, 2005
In English, International/UK “Gabon’s natural wonders” ‘In this precious parkland, tourism funds conservation….’
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February 12, 2005
In French, Published in France “Gabon dans le sanctuaire de la nature” ‘Le sud de ce pays de l’Afrque équatoriale abrite le parc national de Loango. Des scientifiques y accompagnent les visiteurs á l’affut des gorilles de plaine….’
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January 20, 2005
In French, Published in France “Gabon, Bongo se met au vert” download full article
December 25, 2004
In French, Published in France “Le Gabon mis sur son or vert” ‘Sur la piste des mandrils cachés….’
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December 12, 2004
In French, Published in France “Au Gabon, Bienvenue á Loango, paradis terrestre” download full article
November 12, 2004
In English, International / UK “Gabon’s National Parks” ‘Loango Park, where hippos play in the surf….’ download full article
August 30, 2004
In English, Published in South Africa “Under the canopy” ‘Advancing Conservation in Gabon….’
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August 12, 2004
In English, Published in the USA “Gabon’s Loango National Parks, in the land of the surfing hippos” ‘In September 2003, National Geographic announced the Gabonese government’s creation of 13 national parks. A major force behind this was J. Michael Fay….’
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January 12, 2004
In Dutch, Published in the Holland “Maagdelijk tropenbos” download full article